Summer Youth Cultural Program_Base Borden
(L-R) SYCP facilitator Cassidy Eames, SYCP Lead
Melissa St. Amant, MNO Veterans’ Council President
Joseph Paquette, Region 7 Captain of the Hunt and MNO
Veterans’ Council Secretary Greg Garratt, SYCP Lead and
PCMNO Postsecondary Representative Katelyn LaCroix,
and SYCP Facilitator Karly Chapman. Click here to view a
larger version.

On May 26, 2016, at the Borden Military Base, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Summer Youth Cultural Program (SYCP) facilitators participated the Base‘s Aboriginal Awareness Day event. SYCP facilitators performed Métis jigging and taught some of their favourite dances to the attendees. They also provided children’s art programming such as dot art and finger-weaving. Despite the rain, everyone had a great time and were very grateful for the opportunity to meet with MNO veterans including MNO Veterans’ Council President Joseph Paquette and Secretary Greg Garratt.

Updated on: June 22, 2016