MNOYC Tea Series| “Building a Strong Metis Nation and How Young People Can Help” with MNC President Cassidy Caron


Click here for a MNOYC Tea Series: November 2021 flyer

This month we welcome special guest Cassidy Caron, Métis National Council President, to talk about “Building a Strong Métis Nation and How Young People Can Help.” Cassidy Caron is British Columbia born with roots in Saskatchewan and is a current resident of Ontario. On September 30, she was voted in as the new leader for the Métis National Council — the first woman ever elected to the position

Cassidy Caron has roots in the historic Métis communities of Batoche and St. Louis, Saskatchewan. With community always in her heart, Cassidy is guided by her ancestors and mindful of the generations of leaders who will come after her. Cassidy recognizes the power of bringing together individuals from all walks of life to work in a spirit of collaboration and harmony, while respecting one another’s history, traditions, ways of knowing and being, to co-create a positive pathway forward for all.


About the Tea Series:

The Metis Nation of Ontario Youth Council (MNOYC) and MNO President Margaret Froh are co-hosting an online tea series on the first Tuesday of every month at 7PM via Zoom!

The series is open to any Metis youth who want to join! The MNOYC and President Froh will provide updates on current initiatives and welcome special guest speakers to broaden the discussion and learn!