Submitted by: TerryLynn Longpre, MNO Community Wellness Worker

Thorold_Metis earth angel ornament workshop
(L-R) Workshop participants Carrie Hosinger and Mignon
Lacroix Hagar. Click here to view a larger version of the

On Friday December 9, 2016 the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Thorold office held a Métis Earth Angel Ornaments workshop. This workshop was initiated by the MNO Victim Services Program and is a symbol of honouring and remembrance.

As the participants creatively worked on their ornaments, MNO staff spoke about our spirits and how this treasured keepsake can be used as a physical reminder that the spirits of our loved ones are ever present in our lives. One of the highlights of the workshop was the peace and harmony felt in the room and of course the finished Métis Earth Angel ornaments!

Posted Janurary 25, 2017