Shelly Claus (right) and her husband Joe Claus (left) at the
Afghanistan and Peacekeepers Monument in Windsor.Submitted by MNO citizen and veteran Shelly Claus
On Sunday, September 6, MNO citizen and veteran Shelly Claus attended a service to honour Canada’s peacekeepers and Afghanistan veterans at the Afghanistan and Peacekeepers Monument in Windsor.
Many Métis veterans served in Afghanistan or on peacekeeping missions.
On the south face of the monument is listed the names of fallen Canadians who served in United Nations (UN) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement Operations since 1947.
The north face of the monument lists the names of the fallen Canadian soldiers who served in Afghanistan and the Arabian Sea between 2002 and 2014.
Although the monument was unveiled a year ago, organizers didn’t want to interfere with Remembrance Day ceremonies in November. Local veterans hope the memorial service will become an annual event.
Published on: October 2, 2015