Submitted by: Greg Garratt, MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary and Region 7 Captain of the Hunt

Bill Ellis_veteran
Greg Garratt (left), MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary and
Region 7 Captain of the Hunt, and Michael Duquette (right),
MNO GBMC Veterans’ Committee Chair, present MNO
veteran Bill Ellis (centre) with a certificate marking his
90th birthday and a copy of the MNO veterans’ book. Click
here to view a larger version.

In keeping with its mandate to acknowledge, respect and recognize our Métis veterans, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council has in conjunction with the MNO Communications branch, created certificates recognizing our veterans’ personal milestones.

A gathering was organized to honour MNO citizen and veteran William (Bill) Ellis of Penetanguishene on his 90th Birthday. Ellis was presented with a certificate marking his 90th birthday as well as a copy of the MNO veterans’ book entitled: Fighting for Canada before there was a Canada: Ontario Métis Veterans pass the torch. These items were presented on behalf of the MNO Veterans’ Council by Greg Garratt, MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary and Region 7 Captain of the Hunt, and Michael Duquette, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council (GBMC) Veterans’ Committee Chair.

Secretary Garratt would like to thank Ellis for his service. He would also like to thank the MNO GBMC, especially President David Dusome, for their ongoing support. The MNO GBMC has been a great supporter of the MNO Veterans’ Council and have created their own Veterans’ Committee.

Published on: August 17, 2016