Submitted by: Joseph Paquette, MNO Veterans’ Council President
Joseph Paquette (right), MNO Veterans’ Council
President, presents Guy Mandeville,
MNO Veterans’ Council Chair, C.D., with an
Eagle feather.
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council held an annual meeting on November 1, 2014 in Ajax. During the meeting, Guy Mandeville, C.D., veteran and MNO Veterans’ Council Chair, was awarded an Eagle feather for his continuous involvement in local youth programs that promote Métis history, culture and education. Chair Mandeville was recognized due to his involvement and participation with local schools, Scouts Canada and other organizations.
North American indigenous cultures have always highly venerated the Eagle—a bird that is synonymous with strength, courage, wisdom, honesty, power and freedom. Métis culture also contains this symbolic association. The Eagle is considered sacred in Métis traditions and acts as a messenger, carrying our thoughts, prayers, and desires towards the Creator.
Considering the spiritual significance and honour attributed to the Eagle, receiving an Eagle feather is one of the highest honours that can be awarded in Aboriginal circles. The presentation of the Eagle feather acknowledges hard work and achievement and is a tribute to individuals who significantly impact their communities.