Submitted by: Greg Garratt, MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary and MNO Region 7 Captain of the Hunt

MNO Veterans' Council_Eagle feather
The MNO Veterans’ Council proudly hold Eagle feathers
gifted to them at the 2016 AGA in North Bay. (L-R) Shelly
Claus, Women’s Representative; Guy Mandeville, C.D.,
Chair; Joseph Paquette, President; Greg Garratt,
Secretary; and Dr. Alis Kennedy,O.Ont., C.D., O.M.C.,
Missing from picture: Robert Baskey,
Sergeant-at-Arms. (Photo provided by: Greg Garratt).
Click here to view a larger version of the picture.

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council received a great honour at this year’s AGA in North Bay when they were each presented with an Eagle feather. The feathers were a gift by the MNO Veterans’ Council newest representative, Shelly Claus, who serves as Women’s Representative.

Claus chose to present the Council with this special distinction to recognize their many accomplishments over the last four-year term. In particular, she wished to recognize their unwavering commitment to honour and acknowledge Métis veterans and their passing of the torch of remembrance to Métis youth.

A few of the Council’s recent accomplishments include: the publishing of the MNO veterans book—Fighting For Canada Before There Was A Canada, Ontario Métis Veterans Pass the Torch; their attendance at the Welland Museum grand opening with 105 year old Métis veteran Alex Boucher; the presentation of the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal to Métis veteran Jack Cadeau; the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge project and many more!

“It takes teamwork, dedication, personal money and time to pull these and other events together,” said Greg Garratt, MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary and MNO Region 7 Captain of the Hunt. “I look forward to working with the Council and highlighting all the Métis veterans in upcoming events.”

Published on: October 11, 2016