Submitted by Joseph Paquette, MNO Veterans’ Council President
Mr. Ross Holden, Senior Engagement Advisor/Aboriginal Relations,
NWMO and Joseph Paquette, MNO Veterans’ Council PresidentOne of the projects discussed at the MNO Veterans’ Council meeting held recently in Midland was the upcoming book on Métis veterans that the Council plans on publishing later in 2015.
Representing hours and hours of work by volunteers and tentatively titled “Fighting for Canada before there was a Canada: Ontario Métis Veterans pass the torch,” the book will document some of the stories, anecdotes and photos of Métis Veterans and will be an excellent resource for future generations.
Publishing a book of this nature will be an expensive venture and the MNO Veteran’s Council is working hard to raise money to make the book a reality. Fortunately, some success has already been realized on that front and was recognized at the MNO Veterans’ Council meeting.
Ross Holden, Senior Engagement Advisor/Aboriginal Relations with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) attended the meeting and presented the MNO Veterans’ Council with a cheque to help fund the publishing of the book.
This is very exciting said President Joseph Paquette, since this initiative is the first of its kind in the province.
The MNO Veterans’ Council has also received confirmation for additional funding from Hydro One and Techno Metal Post Hamilton-Durham.
President Paquette expressed the thanks of all MNO veterans to all the sponsors that are providing the Council with the capacity to move forward with this great Métis Veteran initiative.
All the sponsors will be acknowledged in the book as will the Royal Canadian Legion for providing permission to use the Poppy symbol on the MNO Veterans’ Council website.