Focus on Aboriginal Children and Youth Strategy
(Left to right) The Hon. Teresa Piruzza, Minister of Children and Youth Services; Sheila McMahon,
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres; MNO President Gary Lipinski; Dr. Dawn Harvard,
Ontario Native Women’s Association; and the Hon. David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
On June 10, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Gary Lipinski and Chair France Picotte represented the MNO at the Métis and Urban Aboriginal Leadership Roundtable in Toronto with the Honourable Teresa Piruzza, Minister of Children and Youth Services and the Honourable David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.
The purpose of the meeting was to launch discussions with Métis and Urban Aboriginal leaders regarding the creation of an Aboriginal Children and Youth Strategy.
The meeting presented an opportunity for Minister Piruzza and Minister Zimmer to hear about key priorities from Aboriginal partners.
MNO Chief Operating Officer Doug Wilson, Director of Healing and Wellness Wenda Watteyne and Healing and Wellness Manager Shelly Gonneville were also in attendance.
Along with the MNO, Aboriginal partners represented were the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres and the Ontario Native Women’s Association.
Outcomes of the meeting included endorsement of the proposed 18-month engagement approach on developing an Aboriginal Children and Youth Strategy in Ontario. Aboriginal partners expressed a desire to have a formal written commitment by the Ministers on the development and implementation beyond the 18 months on an Aboriginal Children and Youth Strategy to advance opportunities for Métis, First Nation and Inuit in Ontario.