Submitted by: Larry Ferris, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chairperson
Members of the MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council youth group harvesting
From October 12-13, six members from the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Council youth group participated in the First Hunting/Firearms Safety Course. All six participants passed and seven more also took the course from October 19-20.
As part of the training, MNO Captain of the Hunt for Region Seven Greg Garratt provided the youth with an overview of the MNO Harvesting Policy and the rights and obligations associated with the policy.
The MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council would like to thank the Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth for providing a grant to fund this course.
Perhaps someday these young people may even join the ranks of the MNO Harvesters.
MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council youth Group during sausage making
On another evening, the youth group enjoyed an evening of sausage making.
Youth made sausages from venison provided by the Garratt and moose and some venison provided by Harvester Larry Ferris.
They grinded up the moose meat and mixed the meat with pork fat and then put it into the sausage casings. All the youth and some of the parents participated in the process
Thanks to Garratt for organizing all the materials and Janice Ferris for providing the special recipe.
Everyone enjoyed samples and where able to take some sausages home. Some sausages were given to Métis elder Gerry Dumont.