By Larry Ferris, Councillor for MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council

MNO Youth Receive Grant
Janice Ferris representing the North Simcoe Anglers and Hunters Conservation Club Inc.
presents MNO Georgian Bay Youth Council member Danielle Secord and MNO Georgian
Bay Métis Council Councillor Larry Ferris with a cheque for $2400 to support
Métis youth activities.

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Youth Committee with the assistance of Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Region Six Councillor Pauline Saulnier and MNO staff members Monique Richard and Doug Wilson was able to obtain a grant of $2,400 from the North Simcoe Anglers and Hunters Conservation Club Inc. The grant will support Métis youth activities and the MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council annual youth trip to Camp Kitchikewana on Beausoliel Island.

The Métis Youth Committee is very grateful to the North Simcoe Anglers and Hunters for their kind generosity and to the MNO for helping secure the funding, which will support some very deserving Métis young people.