Métis Nation of Ontario Youth Council Tea Series
Tuesday July 13, 2021 @ 7PM ET
This month we will be talking about UNDERSTANDING HISTORIC GRIEVANCES.
Join us and special guest Region 4 PCMNO councillor Mitch Case to talk about our past as Métis people.
To register please RSVP to: jordynp@metisnation.org
About special guest Mitch Case
Mitch Case is a proud MNO citizen from the Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Community. Mitch is a community based historian, focusing on the history of Ontario Métis communities; especially those around the Great Lakes. In 2020, Mitch was elected as the Region 4 Councillor on the Provisional Council of the MNO. Mitch has served as a Youth Rep at the local level and was President of the MNO Youth Council (MNOYC) from 2012-20. Mitch is passionate defender of the Métis right to self-determination, jurisdiction over lands and resources and the cause of Métis Nationalism.
About the MNOYC Tea Series:
The Métis Nation of Ontario Youth Council (MNOYC) and MNO President Margret Froh are co-hosting an on-going online Tea Series on the first Tuesday of every month at 7PM via Zoom! The Tea Series is open to any Métis youth who want to join! The MNOYC and President Froh will provide updates on current initiatives and welcome special guests speakers to broaden the discussion and learn.
MNOYC Tea Series July 2021 Flyer