MNOVC Midland boothFrom left: Linda Plummer, MNO Veterans’ Council President Joseph
Paquette, and MNO Veterans’ Council Treasurer Chris Plummer.

Submitted by Joseph Paquette, President of the MNO Veterans’ Council

During the 2015 Annual General Assembly (AGA), the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council set up their very first booth and silent auction in an effort to raise funds for the Vimy Project and for the veterans’ community.

Linda Plummer and her son, MNO citizen Liam Plummer, ran the MNO Veterans’ Council booth during the AGA. The booth was a great responsibility that required many hours of setting up, overseeing, recording sales and tearing down once the AGA ended. Linda and Liam’s diligence and patience contributed to the success of the booth and silent auction.

Following the AGA, the MNO Veterans’ Council presented Linda and Liam with Certificates of Appreciation for their support and a job well done. Chris Plummer, Liam’s father, accepted the certificate on his behalf as he was unable to attend.
Many thanks to the Plummer family for their help!

Published on: March 4, 2016