NA Palladium sml (1)On April 4, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) signed a memorandum
of understanding with North American Palladium (NAP) in Thunder
Bay. Present for the photo were: back row (left to right) Brian
Ludwigsen, NAP community Liaison Officer, Wayne Scott NAP
Vice-President Human Resources, Aboriginal Affairs and
Environment, Bryan Wilson, NAP General Manager, Joanne Meyer
MNO Chief Operating Officer, Jacqueline Barry, MNO Consultation
Assessment Coordinator, Ken Simard, Senator and Region 2 Captain
of the Hunt, William Gordon, President of the MNO Greenstone Métis
Council, Dave Benson, NAP Senior Geologist, Mike Wanecki, NAP
Environmental Superintendent, Christine Korzenko, NAP HR
Superintendent, Jean Camirand, President of the MNO Thunder
Bay Métis Council and Jill Maxwell, NAP Sr. Project geologist. Front
row: Cameron Burgess, PCMNO Councillor and Chair of the
Region 2 Consultation Committee and Jim Gallagher, NAP
President and Chief Executive Officer. Click here for a larger version
of this picture.

On April 4, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with North American Palladium (NAP) in relation to the Lac des Iles Mine Project in Thunder Bay.

The MOU sets out the principles that will guide MNO representatives and NAP in developing a relationship that includes meeting regularly and mitigating any impacts from the future development of the mine site or exploration area on Métis rights and interests in the territory.

The MOU provides the Métis rights holding community with an opportunity to participate in the project through employment, training, business development and ongoing consultations involving the mining project.

Several MNO representatives attended the signing including Joanne Meyer MNO Chief Operating Officer, Jacqueline Barry, MNO Consultation Assessment Coordinator, Jean Camirand, President of the MNO Thunder Bay Métis Council, Cameron Burgess, PCMNO Councillor and Chair of the Region 2 Consultation Committee, William Gordon, President of the MNO Greenstone Métis Council and Ken Simard, Senator and Region 2 Captain of the Hunt.

NAP has operated the mine for the last 20 years with both an underground mine and an open pit mine. According to the company, it is the only pure play palladium producer in the world. The current workforce includes more than 570 employees and about one-third live in Thunder Bay.

Posted: April 27, 2018