A message from the government of the Métis Nation of Ontario
The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada commemorates one of the greatest tragedies in Canadian history. On December 6, 1989, 14 women at L’École Polytechnique de Montréal lost their lives in a shocking act of gender based violence. While gender-based violence affects everyone, part of the legacy of colonialism is the cycle of intergenerational trauma resulting from systemic abuse that has left generations of Indigenous women particularly vulnerable to acts of violence and crime. Indigenous women and girls suffer disproportionately high levels of violence in all its forms and the result of that violence negatively impacts the wellbeing of Métis families, communities and our whole nation.
As the government for Métis people in Ontario, the MNO has long been concerned about the issue of violence against Indigenous women and girls. We have been a full partner in Ontario’s Executive Committee to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women and a signatory to the Framework to End Violence Against Aboriginal Women, along with the Ontario Federation Indigenous Friendship Centres, Ontario Native Women’s Association, Chiefs of Ontario, Independent First Nations, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, and Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. The MNO continues to be very proud to be part of Walking Together: Ontario’s Long Term Strategy to End Violence Against Indigenous Women, which is an outcome of the work of the MNO and its partners. Together, we are committed to addressing the root causes of violence and abuse within our Indigenous communities.
This is an issue that no one government, including the MNO, can fully address alone. It requires our collective commitment and actions. We will take a strong stance doing all we can as Métis, and united with others across our communities to collectively declare that violence against women is not to be tolerated in any form and it must end. While ongoing programs and awareness building is important, the responsibility for healing our communities from violence against women lies with all of us. On December 6, 2017, please take time to remember all the victims of gender-based violence and join us in working to end all forms of violence against women.
The Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario
Posted: December 6, 2017