Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) is pleased to announce the launch of the new First Nation, Inuit, Metis Urban and Rural (FIMUR) 2012-15 Housing Program as part of the Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario program.
The FIMUR Assisted Homeownership Program is designed to help move renters and affordable housing tenants into market housing. Across Ontario (excluding the Greater Toronto Area), OAHS has helped 731 people move into 261 homes. These new homeowners now have stable housing and are able to better focus on contributing to their communities and strengthening their families. Importantly, this includes 182 people who have moved out of social housing and 53 people who have escaped situations of violence.
OAHS will be administering a three-year (2012–13 to 2014–15) funding allocation totalling $19.8 million at $6.6 million per year.
FIMUR 2012–15 Housing Program funds will be targeted to three program components:
- For information on the Assisted Homeownership Program, please click here.
- For information on the Rental Housing component, please click here.
- For information on the Homeowner Repair component, please click here.
Further inquiries may be directed to FIMUR Program staff at (866) 391-1061.