To: MNO Citizens
From: France Picotte, MNO Chair
Date: June 4, 2013
Subject: PCMNO changes to MNO bylaws
MNO Policy #2011-002, which was adopted by the 2012 MNO AGA, states that “… the MNO Chair shall ensure that any amendments to the by-laws that have been made by the PCMNO since the last annual general assembly are posted and circulated.”
In October 2012, the PCMNO passed a resolution that incorporated the MNO Statement of Prime Purpose into the MNO Bylaws, along with reciprocal obligations that all MNO citizens, elected leadership and MNO governance structures promote and make decisions in a manner consistent with the MNO Statement of Prime Purpose.1
This resolution required changes to section 2, 7, 21 and 36 of the MNO Bylaws. The changes made to the MNO Bylaws are detailed in the attached annotated Bylaws registered by MNO Legal Counsel on December 12, 2012. These updated MNO Bylaws have been posted to the MNO website since early 2013.
As required by section 39.1 of the MNO Bylaws, these changes to the MNO Bylaws by PCMNO will be considered at the beginning of the upcoming 2013 MNO AGA.
Click here to view or download MNO Annotated Bylaws dated December 12, 2013
1 These proposed Bylaws changes were originally brought to the 2012 MNO AGA, but could not be dealt with on the last day of the AGA because the requisite quorum to make Bylaw changes was not achieved.