Métis Nation of Ontario Niagara Region Métis Council
Councilor Pierre Carre unveils his painting for the Thorold
office following the council’s Annual General Meeting
on April 18. Click here to view a larger version of this

Submitted by MNO NRMC Treasurer Laura Burey

Sloping mountains, towering trees and water as smooth as glass frame a trapper’s cabin in a new painting that hangs in the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) office in Thorold.

The painting, created by long-time MNO Niagara Region Métis Council Councilor Pierre Carre, was unveiled following the council’s Annual General Meeting on April 18.

Councilor Carre said that the mural represents the waterways that Métis voyagers once travelled in the north.

He added it was an honour to be asked to create the work for the MNO. He dedicated the painting to fellow Councilor Reg Bernier, who was a founding member of the MNO Welland Métis Council that evolved into the MNO Niagara Region Métis Council. Councilor Carre wanted to honour his colleague’s work on council and the support he has provided to the community over the years.

“I don’t really like my own work, but it means a lot to me to have been asked, to have created something for the MNO and to dedicate it to a good friend. I’m proud of doing it,” he said.

The cost of the painting was financed through community hub funding administered by the MNO to create safe, culturally rich and welcoming community spaces.

Councilor Carre has been drawing his entire life, but took up painting more than five years ago. The painting is five feet by four feet and it took him about five hours to complete.

The painting now hangs in the Voyageur Room, which is the main meeting space in the MNO office.

Posted: May 30, 2018