Due to Covid-19, the Government of Ontario has temporarily restricted some activities on Crown land, including camping. These restrictions do not supersede Aboriginal and treaty rights. MNO Métis harvesters can camp on Crown land in order to exercise their Métis right to harvest provided they:

(1) have a valid MNO Harvester Certificate,

(2) are within their traditional territory, and

(3) are harvesting as per the MNO Harvest Policy.

Please note that if you are a mixed-party (Métis and non-Aboriginal individuals) camping on Crown land, the Crown land camping restriction and other relevant regulations would apply to the non-Aboriginal members of the party. More information on Ontario’s Crown land camping restriction is available online.


Tips for Harvesting During COVID-19

Covid-19 has seen many public health measures put into place in an effort to protect the health and wellbeing of the public. The following information and recommendations will help MNO harvesters stay safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

      • Always keep a distance of at least 2 arms-length (approximately 2 metres) from anyone not from your household.
      • Take extra care to exercise all possible safety measures when harvesting.
      • Check for local public health restrictions. Some townships, municipalities, cities and conservation authorities have made restrictions/closures to some of the facilities they oversee in the interest of public safety.
      • Please follow all public measures and advice to help keep our communities and all Ontarians safe. More information on Ontario’s public health measures can be found at: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/zones-and-restrictions.

The MNO wishes you a safe and successful harvest. If you have questions about harvesting, please contact your regional Captain of the Hunt: https://www.metisnation.org/registry/harvesting/captains-of-the-hunt/