Submitted by: Pauline Saulnier, PCMNO Region 7 Councillor

Senator Malcom Dixon providing the opening prayer

The Traditional Knowledge Feast for Nuclear Waste Management Organization and Ontario Power Generation in collaboration with the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee was held in Owen Sound on Saturday March 23, 2013 at the Best Western by the Bay.

Over 60 people attended the event. Opening and closing prayers were performed by Senator Malcolm Dixon and welcoming comments were made by MNO Great Lakes Métis Council President Peter Cotoure and PCMNO representative and MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee Chair Pauline Saulnier. There were presentations concerning a study conducted as part of the MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee’s ongoing consultation efforts with the OPG.

A feast followed presentations to celebrate the Traditional Knowledge and Land Use study for OPG Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low & Intermediate Level Waste. The feast included great food, music and company.