(Left to right) Premier Kathleen Wynne, MNO President
Margaret Froh, Minister David Zimmer and MNO Chair
France Picotte. Click here to view a larger version of the
On September 23 at Queen’s Park in Toronto, a Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) delegation led by MNO President Margaret Froh and including MNO Chair France Picotte, MNO Acting Chief Operating Officer Wenda Watteyne, MNO Intergovernmental Relations Director Joanne Meyer and MNO Special Advisor on Tripartite Todd Ross met with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Minister David Zimmer and Deputy Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Minister Deborah Richardson.
The annual meeting provides MNO with the opportunity to discuss its relationship with Ontario on key issues including advancing Metis rights, and to review past successes, ongoing cooperation and upcoming areas of common interest. “The positive tone of this meeting, like those of the past, underscores the great benefits of working together.in the spirit of reconciliation” commented President Froh.
Key discussion points included a review of the objectives of the MNO-Ontario Framework Agreement that had been renewed in 2014 for another five years. “The Framework Agreement,” stated President Froh, “continues to be the foundation of our strong relationship with Ontario and outlines clearly where our two governments will collaborate for the benefit of Métis people and communities, and Ontario as a whole.”
As the first official meeting with the Premier, this meeting provided the opportunity for President Froh to set a future agenda with Ontario as we advance the reconciliation process in light of the recent Supreme Court decision in Daniels v Canada, the Report of the Special Ministerial Representative on Métis Section 35 Rights as well as Ontario’s commitments to reconciliation outlined in its response to the Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report. “With all these exciting recent developments the stars are truly aligning for the Métis Nation. We are pleased that the Ontario government continues to be a strong partner as we face the many complex elements surrounding reconciliation,” said President Froh.
“As these meetings take place at the highest level,” concluded President Froh, “they provide the direction necessary to ensure continued progress on a whole range of issues important to Métis in this province. We look forward to continuing our work with Premier Wynne and her government to advance reconciliation in Ontario for the betterment of Metis children, families and communities, and for all Ontarians.”
Published on: September 23, 2016