The Provincial Urban Aboriginal Forum will be held in Toronto, ON, at the Sheraton Centre Hotel from March 22-23, 2016. The Forum will share stories of wise community practices in relationship building, networking, collaboration, partnerships, collective impact and community development, as well as provide an opportunity to inform the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs’ development of an Urban Aboriginal Action Plan. The Forum will feature keynote speaker, Dr. Elaine Todres (Chief Executive Officer of the Todres Leadership Counsel) and Sheila Watt-Cloutier (Environmental, Cultural and Human Rights Advocate).

Additional speaker presentations will focus on conversations related to municipal relations, health, food security, transportation, education, employment and Indigenous cultural competency. Participation from both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community agencies is encouraged. Registration is $100 (lunch is provided). Accommodations will be at the Sheraton Centre Hotel at 123 Queen Street West ($159/night, please ask for the Urban Aboriginal Forum). Conference coordination is by TAP Resources ( . They can be reached at 519-445-1794 or at