PCMNO Recap Report:
Virtual PCMNO Meeting Held

November 27 & November 28, 2023

On November 27-28, 2023 a virtual meeting of the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) was held via Zoom with elected MNO leadership, staff and citizens attending the online sessions. The President’s Update highlighted the many events that have taken place across the MNO since the last PCMNO meeting, and President Froh praised the great work of MNO communities and citizens for continuing to voice their support of Bill C-53 and MNO self-government. Also providing updates to the PCMNO were members of MNO staff and consultants, who outlined recent developments regarding MNO governance, including community, provincial and national levels; and gave recommendations on proposed policies. The second session also commenced with progress and developments made on the Métis Family Centred Program and next steps. PCMNO adjourned for an in-camera session on legal updates.

NOTE: The President’s Update was delivered at the start of the PCMNO meeting on November 28th due to a scheduling conflict. This section has been reformatted for the purpose of the Recap Report.

President’s Update
President Margaret Froh

President Froh began her update celebrating the many milestones and accomplishments of MNO citizens and communities across the province, and extended her support and appreciation to all MNO students and harvesters who are hard at work during this busy season. President Froh also acknowledged November as representing the month of remembrance for many, referencing recent events such as Louis Riel Day, and the many commemorative events held across the province in honour of our Métis Veterans.

In November, the inaugural Métis Rights Conference was held in Sault Ste Marie, bringing together MNO citizens, leadership and allies to celebrate Métis culture and benefit from a series of informative presentations and insightful discussions concerning Métis self-government, self-determination and policy. The President extended her appreciation to all involved, including Region 4 leadership, for its coordination and for making the inspiring event such a success.

Additionally, 2023 serves as a historic milestone for the MNO, representing both the 20th anniversary of the landmark Powley decision and the 30-year anniversary of the MNO Secretariat. This enthusiasm and excitement has been reflected across MNO communities, whose citizens have been actively engaged in voicing their support for Bill C-53, the proposed federal recognition legislation. For more on Bill C-53 see https://billc53.ca.

The President also extended her appreciation to the many MNO Councils and communities who have organized their own events and developed new initiatives over the past year; and praised the great work of MNO staff as they continue to introduce, develop and enhance a suite of programs and services to support MNO citizen needs.

National Level Updates

Occurring at a national level, President Froh also referenced upcoming events including a Board of Governors meeting with the Métis National Council (MNC) as well as the approaching MNC General Assembly.


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Auditing Services
Secretary-Treasurer Young

Acknowledging the unprecedented growth of the MNO and the vital importance of engaging quality professional auditing services in its operations, the MNO will be issuing its first ever “Request for Proposals” (RFP) for auditing services beginning in January 2024. For most organizations, issuing an RFP every 5 years is considered ‘best practice.’ In over 30 years, the MNO has never before issued an RFP.

At the 2023 Annual General Assembly (AGA) a resolution passed appointing BakerTilly LLP as the auditor for the year ended March 31, 2024. To ensure the MNO continues receiving the best possible service at competitive rates in future years, the proposed RFP will identify other qualified potential firms capable of providing auditing services to the MNO.

Referencing discussions held at a recent MNO Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) meeting, the Secretary Treasurer informed the PCMNO of the FAC’s recommendations and reviewed a draft resolution. A briefing note outlining recommendations will also be provided to PCMNO to aid in informed decision-making regarding the MNO’s auditing partners and practices.

The MNO expects to issue the RFP by end of January 2024, with an estimated deadline of late March or early April 2024. Following discussion, a resolution was passed that:

BE IT RESOLVED that the PCMNO directs the Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer to:

  • Issue a request for proposals seeking qualified firms that can provide professional financial auditing services to the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO); and
  • Provide the PCMNO with a briefing note, which could include a recommendation for auditing services to the MNO, for services to begin with the audit year ending March 31, 2025.



Management Review of Community Councils
Secretary-Treasurer Young

Prior to COVID-19, the PCMNO initiated plans to engage auditing partners in a review of MNO Community Councils and determine best practices from the perspective of management and governance. While this proposed “management review” was delayed, MNO Financial Liaisons have been working closely with Councils over the past year on financial policies and record keeping, as well as identifying gaps in current capacity.

While not an “audit,” it was recommended BakerTilly LLP carry out a management review of each Community Council and their processes. The review will consider elements such as governance structures, record keeping, council minutes and expenditures, and other processes that will inform recommendations and ensure councils are fully supported by the MNO Secretariat.

On the recommendation of the MNO FAC and Secretary Treasurer, the following resolution was passed:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the PCMNO, provides direction to BakerTilly Ottawa LLP to:

  • Undertake a management review of the Métis Nation of Ontario Community Councils each year, with the goal of having all Community Councils reviewed within five years (by 2028);
  • Proceed with a management review of the following Community Councils in 2024:
    • Great Lakes Métis Council
    • Georgian Bay Métis Council
    • Grand River Métis Council
    • Kenora Métis Council
    • Toronto and York Region Métis Council.



Regional Workplan and Activities
Brian Black, Director of Self-Government Strategy

The Director of Self-Government Strategy provided the PCMNO with an update on the current status of MNO Regional workplans and recent activities. Regional workplans designate the various activities to be undertaken by each Region and the MNO in implementing the Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement (MGRSA) and Regional Implementation Agreements (RIA). RIAs outline the relationship and responsibilities of the Métis government at Provincial, Regional and Local levels, and ensure Métis citizens and MNO Regions have a voice in the shaping of future Métis government.

The Director shared that at this time:

  • All Regional Implementation Agreements have been signed
  • 4 MNO Regions have signed and completed their workplans
  • 2 are nearly completed and 3 are still in development.

Additionally, the Director referenced that Regional Managers are in place in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; with interviews beginning for Region 8 in the near future. Meetings continue with MNO Regions with regards to Regional Fiscal Finance Agreements; as well as training sessions for regional bank accounts starting in January.

The update also acknowledged the recent self-government work that has taken place, including the MNO Special Assembly, the 2023 Annual General Assembly (AGA), the Métis Rights Conference, Bill C-53, and referenced the recent INAN committee meetings and future steps to advance this crucial legislation. Citizens may watch INAN Committee meetings online at https://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/INAN/Meetings

Finally, the Director expressed that the self-government work continues as the MNO prepares for its Statement of Principles and the building of an MNO Constitution.


Chief Electoral Officer Update
Paul DeVillers, Chief Electoral Officer

At the October PCMNO meeting, a resolution (PC231010-02) passed appointing Paul DeVillers as the Chief Electoral Officer for the MNO elections in May 2024, in accordance with the Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code Part A.

The Chief Electoral Officer attended the November 27 PCMNO meeting to discuss recommendations with the PCMNO on the upcoming 2024 election, including reviewing voting methods and a draft resolution. PCMNO discussed the merits and challenges to engaging various voting tools such as in-person, electronic, telephone, and mail in voting.

It was recommended by the Chief Electoral Officer that voting occur using electronic and telephone voting methods; however, the PCMNO discussed ensuring supports are extended to citizens who may experience certain barriers or accessibility challenges, proposing mail-in ballots be provided at the request of individual citizens.

After a period of discussion and debate, the proposed resolution was amended to the following:

Be it resolved that the PCMNO confirms its agreement with the decision of the Chief Electoral Officer that the May 2024 elections shall be conducted by electronic and telephone voting with a third option that electors can request a paper ballot to vote; and

Further, be it resolved that, the PCMNO authorizes the Chief Electoral Officer to amend the time limits set out in the Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code Part A to accommodate the third voting option.




PCMNO Role Profiles
Secretary-Treasurer Young

An informational update was provided by Secretary Treasurer addressing the creation of PCMNO “role profiles” in order to clarify responsibilities for MNO citizens interested in running for office. Role profiles are being developed in collaboration with MNO consultants (Mercer) and will contribute to the MNO’s policy of openness and transparency regarding the expectations, commitments and compensation associated with various PCMNO positions.

The PCMNO anticipates making these role profiles public and available to citizens beginning in January 2024.


Next Steps for Métis Family Centred Program
Joanne Meyer, COO and Shelley Cripps, Director of Healing & Wellness

The Chief Operating Officer was joined by members of staff to discuss progress made on Child Youth and Family Services developments in Regions 2-9, and introduce two key policy decisions for review by the PCMNO.

In December 2019, MNO launched a project to assist Métis communities to determine the best path forward to improve the Child, Youth and Family Services System for Métis citizens in Ontario. Since then, the MNO has engaged in many productive conversations with the provincial government, as well as undertaking consultations with MNO citizens to identify specific community needs. A workshop was recently held with PCMNO which detailed policy decisions required to support the implementation of the MNO’s Métis Family Centred Program.

Attending staff guided the PCMNO once again through a review of two key policy decisions:

  • Who should the Métis Family Centred Program (MFCP) serve?
  • Should the MNO confirm with the province their intent to become a “listed community” as per the CYFSA?

As presenters clarified, becoming a “listed community” would ensure that MNO be made aware of the Métis children and youth within the Children’s Aid Societies (CAS) / Indigenous Child Wellbeing Agency (ICWA) system, and would provide an opportunity for the MNO to be formally involved in decision making about the care of Métis children and youth.

The proposed draft resolutions served as a starting point for conversations with PCMNO, with the presenters providing context, options and recommendations to aid in informed decision-making regarding the Métis Family Centred Program and next steps.

Following discussions on the key policies a resolution was passed:

BE IT RESOLVED that for Regions 2-9, the PCMNO:

  1. Directs that the MNO work with the Ontario government to become a listed Métis community under the Child Youth and Family Services Act.
  2. Approves that the Métis Family Centred Program:
    1. Will accept initial referrals from CASs for families who identify as Métis and have indicated they would like to receive services from MNO.
    2. Will refer these families to participate in MNO and other prevention programs, applying the acceptance criteria of those programs, with active work to determine whether the families and children are Métis citizens, and establish a process for those who are not Métis citizens to get help elsewhere.
    3. Will provide specific services for children in care or for those in need of protection to those who are Métis citizens or who are actively engaged in, and highly likely to succeed in, becoming Métis citizens. These specific services include playing an increased role in decision making regarding the provision of care, and ensuring children stay connected to Métis community.
  3. Notes that, at a future date, the PCMNO will consider and determine how best to ensure effective participation of the Métis community in decision making at the individual case level, including the potential role of Community Councils.

 RESOLVED (PC231128-02)


Self-Government Federal Recognition Legislation (Bill C-53) Update
President Froh, Matt Robertson, MNO Intergovernmental Relations Lead, and Jesse Shea, Enterprise Canada

The President began her update providing PCMNO and attending citizens with a high-level overview of Bill C-53, the federal recognition legislative and framework which will commit Canada to a nation-to-nation relationship with the MNO. Similar to other modern agreements established with Indigenous governments, this key legislation recognizes and legitimizes the MNO as a self-governing body and facilitates a process supporting the continued self-determination of Ontario Métis peoples.

Promised in June 2019, the Bill was introduced to the House of Commons in June 2023 where it received unanimous consent and support from all parties to be deemed to have passed first and second reading, and was referred to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN) for review. Since October, the INAN Committee has been meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and citizens are welcome to view the archived livestreams of the committee process online.

Online testimonies on Bill C -53 can be viewed at metisnation.org/news/testimonies-for-bill-c-53.

President Froh also thanked the many MNO citizens and allies who quickly mobilized to voice support for Bill C-53. This unprecedented response includes:

  • approximately 300 letters have been sent to INAN in support of Bill C-53
  • nearly 10,000 letters submitted to Parliamentarians in support of Bill C-53.

The President also provided an overview of next steps, including:

  • MNO has had over 170 meetings with Parliamentarians on Bill C-53
  • The final INAN hearing took place on Thursday, November 30
  • The INAN Committee will be conducting a line by line review process and will consider potential amendments beginning December 5
  • Following the INAN review, a report will be issued to Parliament and tabled by the Committee Chair
  • Bill C-53 will be submitted for a third reading in the House of Commons
  • Bill C-53 will be referred to the Senate, which follows a similar legislative process
  • Bill C- 53 receives royal assent and becomes Canadian law

Meetings can be found on the INAN website at: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/INAN/Meetings

A website on Bill C-53 and ways to support can be accessed at Billc53.ca 


Appeals and Registry Update
Elina Hill, Registrar and Samantha Clark, Appeal Administrator, Know History

The Registrar and representatives from Know History provided PCMNO with an update of work completed thus far related to the Métis Nation of Ontario Appeals project. An Appeals Team had been assembled to support the MNO throughout this process, with designated staff responsible for following up on all citizen inquiries, answering questions, assisting with appeal form questions, and redirecting to Registry if needed.

Highlights from the Appeals Update presentation (as of November 27, 2023) included:

  • 155 appeals submitted by MNO citizens
  • 209 individual MNO citizens have called, emailed or mailed the appeals team
  • 68 decisions have been issued by the Appeal Decision – Maker
  • 43 Appeals are with the Appeal Decision Maker for review
  • 380 emails and 127 calls have been sent in response

As of November 15, new Region and Council lists have been submitted to councils and the list of citizens listed in the MNO Communications tool Nationbuilder has similarly been updated to reflect changes. The presenters reminded attendees that individuals can reapply at any point following the 90-day removal process has ended. These files will be assessed as new applicant files.

Know History also provided PCMNO with a breakdown of Post-Removal File Outcomes. The current status as of November 27 includes:

  • Total number of citizens: 27,873
    • 99.5% are complete: contains signed Oath of Allegiance and all documents needed to demonstrate a genealogical connection between a citizen and a documented Métis ancestor
    • <1% of files are missing documentation to connect to a documented Métis ancestor or are incomplete and lack a historic record identifying ancestors as Métis in the Historic Métis Nation Homeland. Note: a small number of incomplete citizens are in appeals
  • Total number of active MNO Harvesters: 3,883


Annual General Assembly (AGA) Update
Jennifer Pauzé, Manager of Events and Strategic Initiatives

Plans are well underway as the MNO and Georgian Bay Métis Council prepare for the 2024 Annual General Assembly. As the upcoming AGA will take place outdoors at Discovery Harbour, the MNO is procuring a large tent to provide space for conducting AGA business, while being spacious enough to accommodate all attending citizens and leadership. Additionally, the MNO has identified five hotels in Midland (estimated 300+ rooms) and two potential camping sites for accommodations.

The presentation also addressed AGA event logistics, such as transportation, accessibility, and the necessary AV and technical supports. The Manager of Events discussed site infrastructure and how the spaces at Discovery Harbour may be utilized; including identifying a space for AGA business, canoe landing sites, childcare services, tradeshow set ups, catering spaces, Covid-19 testing sites, washrooms and other necessary accommodations.


Procurement Policy Approval Limits
Secretary-Treasurer Young and Mary Jessop, Director of Finance

Over the past year, the MNO has been implementing a new finance software system called Netsuite in order to develop and streamline financial processes across the MNO. A main feature of the software is to automate approval processes for Purchase Orders and Pay Requests. However, as part of the setup of the Procurement Module, the Secretary-Treasurer noted “authority limits” need to be established.

The Secretary-Treasurer provided PCMNO with an overview on procurement policy and proposed changes, including requirements for quotes and/or Request for Proposals as well as the approval levels for purchase requisitions and payment request.

Following a discussion with PCMNO, the Secretary-Treasurer requested approval from PCMNO on the recommended “authority limits” so Finance can implement the new Procurement Module in Netsuite.

A resolution was passed that

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, in order to support the Métis Nation of Ontario Finance Branch implementing the new Procurement Module in Netsuite, the PCMNO approves the Authority Limits as presented in Appendix B of the Briefing Note titled, “Netsuite Setup Based on Draft Procurement Authority Limits”, presented at the November 28, 2023, PCMNO meeting.



Governance and Program Updates
Loma Rowlinson, Elizabeth Harvey, and Edmond Burgie

Prior to the November meeting, MNO Community Relations (CR) and MNO Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) provided PCMNO with multiple briefing notes outlining MNO governance and program updates, as well as proposed resolutions. Due to time constraints, the PCMNO agreed to postpone these discussions for a more fulsome review at the next scheduled PCMNO meeting.

Given the time-sensitive need for direction regarding the 2024 MNO Community Council Elections, attending CR staff discussed the current status of Council elections and reviewed a proposed draft resolution.

Community Council 2024 Elections

  • As of 2023, four Community Council elections have been completed. Three additional elections are scheduled.
  • Eight Community Council elections are due in fiscal 2024-25.
  • Community Relations (CR) recommended that the PCMNO pass a new motion to extend the direction that online voting is a method of voting for Community Council elections.
  • CR is also recommending and seeking direction from PCMNO that MNO will continue to cover certain election costs that have been covered since the pandemic.

Following a discussion, a resolution was passed that:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT until such time as the PCMNO directs, or the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Electoral Code Part B is amended by Special Resolution at an Annual General Assembly, the PCMNO approves the extension of PCMNO Resolution #PC220206-02, affirming that electronic voting is an acceptable method of voting for Community Council elections, guided by the Métis Nation of Ontario Policy #2019-003: Policy on Electronic and Telephone Voting (August 2019); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, until such time as the PCMNO directs, the MNO will cover Community Council election costs related to online voting and for printing and mailing election notices.