Virtual PCMNO Meeting Held October 10, 2023

On October 10, 2023 a virtual meeting of the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) was held via Zoom with elected MNO leadership, staff and citizens attending the session online. During the President’s Update, President Froh addressed national matters, including recent meetings with the Métis National Council (MNC), as well as self-government and local level community developments. Following this update, the PCMNO passed a resolution appointing a new Chief Electoral Officer and were provided an update from Community Relations regarding Community and Advisory Councils and policy amendments. The PCMNO session then adjourned in the afternoon for a Métis Nation of Ontario – Cultural Commission (MNO-CC) meeting.


President’s Update
President Froh

President Froh began her update recognizing the Fall harvest, a truly meaningful time for Métis citizens, harvesters and communities, whose traditions and ways of life are deeply connected to the lands. The President wished a safe harvesting season to all Métis harvesters.

The President also reminded attendees that it is cold and flu season, and referenced an uptick in COVID-19 cases. A new booster will be made available in the near future and citizens are encouraged to take precautions and protect themselves and their families.

National Days

In September, the MNO celebrated Powley Day. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the landmark Powley case and the President commended the great work done by MNO communities, including the historic Sault Ste Marie community, in raising awareness to the significance of Powley in the context of Métis rights.

      • In honour of the Powley family, a documentary by Métis filmmaker Matt Lemay, The Métis Hunt for Justice: The Powley Story, premiered in Sault Ste Marie. Parliamentarians were also invited to a screening of the documentary in Ottawa; and the film debuted online for citizens on Powley Day (September 19, 2023).
      • The documentary can be viewed on the MNO website and provides an exceptional learning and educational opportunity for all Canadians interested in the Powley Case and its impact on Métis rights recognition.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation takes place on September 30, with many events and activities taking place across MNO communities. Included in this year’s activities were livestreams such as:

      • On September 27, a “Justice for Métis Survivors” film screening and panel discussion was held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa to raise awareness to the experiences of Métis survivors at residential and day schools, including the Île-à-la-Crosse Métis Residential School in Saskatchewan
      • On September 29, the MNO shared a live stream of a multi-media exhibition Otinichick : Taken which took place in Ottawa. The exhibit aims to tell the story of the forced removal of Indigenous children from their homes, giving voice to Survivors of the Residential and Day Schools, and victims of the Sixties Scoop and similarly damaging child welfare policies.

National Level Updates

On September 27, the MNC hosted a permanent bilateral mechanism (PBM) meeting in Ottawa with governing members and senior officials from Canada. The PBM was established under the Canada Métis Nation Accord, and sets a process for an ongoing dialogue with Canada. The Senior Officials PBM meeting discussed a variety of policies and issues of concern, including

      • Economic development
      • Health
      • Primary and secondary education
      • Emergency management
      • International affairs
      • Working with Canada to define a co-development concept

Also addressed was the MNC’s pre-budget submission developed with input from governing members and with MNC working groups; including, Housing and Infrastructure; Justice; Language and Self-determination.

On September 28, an MNC Board of Governors meeting took place in Ottawa, where the MNO President was joined by PCMNO Chair Rowlinson, MNOVC President Brian Prarie, and MNOYC Chair Evan Accettola. Discussions were held on

      • Fulfilling the direction of the MNC’s General Assembly
      • Approval of the Terms of Reference for a Métis National Youth Council, a Métis National Veterans Council, a Métis National Council Bylaw Review Committee, and an expert panel taking direction from the General Assembly resolution.
      • Approved last year’s financial statements and appointed an auditor
      • Received MNC’S 2024 budget
      • In camera legal update
      • Presented new Sixties Scoop Survivor’s section of the MNC’s website
      • Reviewed and tracked status of 2022 MNC General Assembly Resolutions
      • Set upcoming dates for the Board of Governors meeting on December 12, and the next MNC General Assembly in Ottawa on December 13-14

MNO Community Level Updates

Referencing the work at the national level, the President reaffirmed the MNO’s commitment to advance the federal recognition legislation necessary in order to implement Métis self-government in Ontario and recognize rights-bearing Métis citizens. The President commented on the ongoing work to review AGA resolutions and implement directions given, which included sharing Métis stories, amending the Registry bylaws, and moving forward with Constitution building.

At a local level, MNO communities continue their commitment to governance work, while supporting Métis families through timely initiatives like Back-to-School supports and Harvesting activities. This September, communities across the MNO celebrated significant dates such as Powley Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and President Froh acknowledged approaching dates such as Remembrance Day and Louis Riel Day which will be honoured across the province this November. A Métis Rights Conference is also planned for this November and will be held in Sault Ste. Marie.

An All Citizen Town Hall will take place on October 18 to provide updates to citizens on work being done by the PCMNO.


Appointment of a Chief Electoral Officer
Elizabeth Harvey, MNO Director of Intergovernmental Relations

As a PCMNO election will take place in May, the MNO put out a call seeking expressions of interest for a Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) in accordance with the Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code: Part A and Part B and received one expression of interest from Paul DeVillers.

It was resolved that the PCMNO appoints Paul J. DeVillers as the Chief Electoral Officer for the 2024 Métis Nation of Ontario Elections. For greater clarity, this appointment includes an appointment as Chief Electoral Officer related to the elections for the PCMNO, MNOYC, MNOVC, related to filling of vacancies, PCMNO Senators and Executive Senator (if requested), MNOWC (if requested), and Community Councils in MNO for the fiscal year 2024-2025.  RESOLVED BY CONSENSUS (PC231010-02)


Community and Advisory Council Updates
Loma Rowlinson, Manager, Community Relations

As an official record, the PCMNO were provided with briefing notes with updates to several council governing documents. Adjustments to community code policy include:

      • An amendment to the Northern Lights Métis Council (NLMC) Community Code to increase term in office from two to four years. This policy will come into effect at the 2025 election.
      • The Clear Waters Métis Council (CWMC) is in the process of amending their Community Code to revise the “Vice President” title to be replaced with “Chair.”
      • An amendment to the MNO – Timmins (MNO-T) Council Community Code to increase the term of office from two to four years. This policy will be in effect at the next June 2024 election.
      • An amendment to Métis Nation of Ontario Veterans Council (MNOVC) Community Charter to update the address.

The PCMNO session adjourned in the afternoon for a Métis Nation of Ontario – Cultural Commission (MNO-CC) meeting.