Submitted by: James Wager, MNO Manager of Natural Resources and Consultations
Region 9 Consultation Committee members, community council members and
MNO staff during the tour of the Dawn Compressor Plant. (Left to right) Jon
Rochon, Vice-president of MNO Windsor-Essex Métis Council; MNO
Windsor-Essex Métis Councillor Wilfred Rochon; John Bonin (Union Gas);
MNO Niagara Region Métis Council Women’s Rep. Barbaranne Wright; MNO
Grand River Métis Council Senator Carol Levis; MNO Grand River Métis
Council President Cora Bunn; MNO Hamilton-Wentworth Métis Council
President JoanneYoung; George Fleury; MNO Niagara Region Métis Council
President Derrick Pont; and James Wagar.
Building relationships with proponents requires ongoing work and learning about the companies that the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) partners with. Part of this important work is made possible through the Regional Consultation Committees and the Lands, Resources and Consultation branch of the MNO. The Regional Consultation Committees work in collaboration with MNO staff to ensure inclusive, transparent and meaningful Métis engagement with proponents across the province.
On October 9, Union Gas provided the MNO Region 9 Consultation Committee, invited community council members and MNO staff with a tour of the Dawn Compressor Plant. This tour is part of the ongoing relationship building between the MNO and Union Gas throughout the province.
The plant is Canada’s largest natural formation natural gas storage facility. The centre holds 155 billion cubic feet of natural gas in 23 reservoirs – enough to heat about 1.9 million homes for an entire year.
The Committee members enjoyed the tour which was very informative and provided greater insight into the work of Union Gas.