Submitted by: Donald Crawford, Councillor for the MNO Grand River Métis Council
Region 9 Consultation Committee at the Canadian Solar Inc. plant in Guelph, Ontario. (Left to right)
MNO Niagara Region Council President Derrick Pont, Giselle Legiehn, Bridget Brown, Leon Fleury,
MNO Grand River Council President Cora Bunn, George Fleury, Graham Paradis, MNO Hamilton-
Wentworth Council President Jo Anne Young, Region 9 Councillor Peter Rivers, Jennifer Parkinson,
Barbra Lair, James Wagar, Donald Crawford and Suzanne Jackson.
On March 14, a group of 14 citizens from the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Region 9 Consultation Committee, along with MNO staff member James Wagar, were invited to tour the Canadian Solar manufacturing facility in Guelph. The group was met by the Engineering Manager Ady Vyas and the General Manager Rick Williams.
Founded in 2001, Canadian Solar Inc. currently employs over 6,000 people worldwide with approximately 500 employed at the Guelph, Ontario plant. The company provides turnkey solar solutions for residential, commercial and solar farm markets.
During the tour, attendees were able to see how a solar panel is constructed using highly sophisticated robotic processes from start to finish. The tour was enlightening and educational as the group was shown and taught how the panels are constructed and how each step in the manufacturing process is scrutinized to the highest standards to ensure a quality product.
The plant was on down time during the tour, which enabled the group to see the processes up close. An open invitation to return at a later date to see the plant in full operations was extended.
At the completion of the tour, PCMNO Region 9 Councillor Peter Rivers gifted the hosts with a traditional Métis sash and Leon Fleury presented each with a medicine pouch.