Métis youth joined the MNO Veterans’ Council and
Canadian Senators in Ottawa for Remembrance Day
ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the end of
the First World War. Pictured are (back row, left to right)
Brian Black, Colin Deacon, Shelly Claus, Guy Mandeville,
Yvonne Boyer, Paul Pirie, Sharlene Lance, Doug Woods,
Greg Garratt, (front row, left to right) Jonas Black, Katie
Ann Baltzer, Angelique Belcourt and Dalton
Latondress. Absent: Jeff Dusome and Makayla Beachamp.
Click here to view a larger version of this picture.
Six Métis youth joined the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council for Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa.
Leading up to the commemorations, the MNO Veterans’ Council and youth sat down with MNO Manager Mental Health and Addictions Wendy Stewart, who spoke about MNO services and programs that are available to all MNO citizens.
A crowd of more than 60 people attended a short ceremony steps away from the National War Memorial at the National Aboriginal Veterans Monument, including many members of the Ottawa Region Métis Council. There were three Eagle Staffs present and wreaths were laid by Métis, First Nations and Inuit representatives. MNO Veterans’ Council Acting President Brian Black and Métis Veteran Paul Pirie placed the MNO wreath at the base of the monument.
MNO citizen and Canadian Senator Yvonne Boyer and her colleague Senator Colin Deacon were also present for the ceremony at the National Aboriginal Veterans Monument.
The ceremony at the National War Memorial, this year marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, began with the Veterans Parade to the memorial, followed by the singing of O’Canada and the playing of the Last Post. It was followed by two minutes of silence. MNO Veterans’ Council Women’s Representative Shelly Claus and MNO citizen and veteran Sharlene Lance placed the wreath on behalf of the MNO.
The MNO has laid a wreath at the national memorial during Remembrance Day ceremonies each year since 2004.
The ceremony is just one of many participated in and attended by MNO citizens each year across the province. Métis have been proud defenders of Canada as far back as the War of 1812, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean Conflict and in peacekeeping missions across the globe. Most recently, Métis soldiers and veterans have served overseas in Afghanistan as well.
Posted: Nov. 21, 2018