The Métis Nation of Ontario (hereafter MNO), representing the Métis citizens within the province of Ontario is seeking expressions of interest for the appointment of a Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) in accordance with Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code: Part A and Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code: Part B.
The Chief Electoral Officer is an independent, nonpartisan entity selected by the Provisional Council of the MNO (PCMNO) through a vetting process, pursuant to MNO Electoral Code Part A who is charged with operating Elections for the MNO.
The Chief Electoral Officer’s relationship with MNO is not one of employee, but of independent contractor.
The objective of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to select a candidate to provide a high quality of professionalism, integrity and confidentiality as the Chief Electoral Officer for the MNO, to oversee MNO Community Council Elections as per Métis Nation of Ontario Electoral Code: Part B and Community Council Electoral Codes for a period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.
Statement of Work:
Within the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023, thirteen (13) MNO Community Councils are due for elections.  Additional Community Council elections could be necessary depending on resignations, issues of quorum, etc.
It is within the purview of MNO’s Community Relations team to support Community Council elections. Traditionally a member of the Community Relations team has served as Electoral Officer on behalf of Community Councils for the purpose of Community Council elections.
Due to COVID restrictions, the MNO Secretariat, through the Community Relations team, has the option of contacting OneFeather to manage and host electronic and telephone voting for Community Council elections. That said, should Public Health restrictions allow, and affected Community Councils determine, elections may be held in person, as per MNO Electoral Code Part B.
The candidate will be able to provide the following functions as per the aforementioned MNO Electoral Codes and related policies:
      • perform all duties assigned pursuant to MNO Electoral Codes A and B and any policies adopted under them;
      • provide guidance and supervision respecting the conduct of elections;
      • at the request of a Community Council, consult with respect to amendments to a Community Council Electoral Code;
      • provide any necessary interpretation of MNO Electoral Codes;
      • provide Election Officers any information and guidance they consider necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of Electoral Codes;
      • investigate any appeals from candidates in Community Council elections and issue decisions in writing that shall be final and binding;
      • make decisions or provide direction or interpretation that is final and binding for the purposes of Community Council elections;
      • ensure that their conduct and the conduct all Election Officers are guided by the principles of fairness and impartiality;
      • take responsibility for decisions, directions or interpretations that will be final and binding for the purposes of Community Council elections;
      • other duties as required.
Note: the MNO Chief Electoral Officer is not able to vote in a Community Council election even if a member of that community.
To be include in the Expression of Interest:
The EOI must include:
      1. a statement of experience and/or relevant qualifications;
      2. a cost breakdown including fees and other expenses; and
      3. the names of two (2) references that may be contacted by MNO staff or members of PCMNO.
Rights of the MNO:
The MNO reserves the right to:
      1. reject any or all proposals received in response to this Expression of Interest;
      2. reject any proposal where the Candidate is not available during the dates selected
      3. enter into negotiation with one or more Consultants on any or all aspects of their respective proposals;
      4. accept any proposal in whole, or in part;
      5. cancel or modify the EOI at any time;
      6. reject any or all proposals received in response to this Expression of Interest;
      7. reject any proposal where the Candidate is not available during the dates selected
      8. enter into negotiation with one or more Consultants on any or all aspects of their respective proposals;
      9. accept any proposal in whole, or in part;
      10. cancel or modify the EOI at any time;
      11. award one or more contracts;
      12. verify all information provided with respect to a given EOI requirement, including the right to request a confirmation of the Consultant’s legal status and signed documentation and to contact provided references; and
      13. award contracts without competition for follow-up work, if any, to the selected Contractor for a given project requirement.
Responses to this EOI will be considered as confidential information by the MNO and will be used solely for the purposes of selecting the successful bidder.
Clarification/ Questions:
Requests for clarification and/or questions regarding this EOI should be directed to:
Elizabeth Harvey
Director of Intergovernmental and Community Relations or 416-949-0651
Responses/ Submission:
Responses may be sent by email to:
• All proposals will be acknowledged.
• Responses to this EOI must be received by the close of business (5:00pm ET) on March 1, 2022.
• Only those submissions that meet the deadline will be considered.
Additional Notes:
• The MNO Chief Electoral Officer is not able to vote in a Community Council election even if a member of that community.
• Priority will be given to candidates who are citizens of the MNO.