Ontario Aboriginal Responsible Gambling Program

For a Program Evaluation Framework for the Ontario Aboriginal Responsible Gambling Program, including, but not limited to, the preparation of a final report which contains recommendations on a culturally appropriate approach to program evaluation, program performance measures, and evaluation tools and templates to measure program impact and effectiveness.

RFP Reference Number: OARGP RFP 2013-001

Release Date: May 27, 2013

Closing Date: June 17, 2013

Click here for a summary of questions & answers from/to prospective proponents related to the Request for Proposal.


For 2013 – 2014, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is providing coordination and evaluation support to the OARGP (Ontario Aboriginal Responsible Gambling Program)

The OARGP is comprised of the following member organizations:

  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • Ontario Native Women’s Association
  • Independent First Nations
  • Kenora Chiefs
  • Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians
  • Métis Nation of Ontario
  • Union of Ontario Indians
  • Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres

Eight Aboriginal organizations are funded $1 million annually to implement prevention activities such as training workshops, community and community education both on and off reserve.

Previous reviews have identified the need for a coordinated approach in program planning, implementation and evaluation among funded organizations. Further reviews supported an identified need to improve integration, collaboration and partnerships amongst relevant players mandated to address problem gambling issued. A recent strategic planning session held with the OARGP sites in February 2011, confirmed the need and support by eight aboriginal organizations for coordinated initiatives and evaluation.

Evaluation of program impact and effectiveness are identified as a need by the eight sites to help inform continuous quality improvement of programs. Previous efforts were made to create an evaluation plan and to develop evaluation tools for local initiatives. In 2008 and 2009, community needs assessments for each funded program was conducted, and evaluation tools, process indicators and a logic model for the program developed. However, further effort is needed in this area. Previous strategic plans and evaluation documents will be provided to the selected vendor which should be referenced and used as foundational documents.

The MNO is seeking competitive proposals for a professional third party consultant to undertake the following:

  • The development of a culturally appropriate Program Evaluation Framework for the OARGP, which includes outcome-based performance measures, and evaluation tools and templates to measure program impact and effectiveness.
  • A summary of findings from interviews with key informants to determine system capacity for OARGP program evaluations. Key informants must include: eight OARGP member organizations, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), University of Waterloo – COMAP, and other stakeholders.
  • A final report with recommendations on a culturally appropriate OARGP Program Evaluation Framework, outcome-based performance measures and evaluation tools to measure program impact and effectiveness.

Click here to view and download the full Request for Proposal document.