The Métis Nation of Onatrio (MNO) has launched a project to improve the Child, Youth and Family Services system for Métis in Ontario. This project’s focus is:

  • To create greater clarity about the role of MNO in current child welfare cases and more formalized relationships with local Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Well-being Agencies to address issues that continue to be problematic in the current system
  • To develop a longer-term plan for how the Métis Nation will go forward with child, youth and family services in the future. This planning will be informed by conversations in Métis communities throughout Ontario.

A Project Advisory Group is being formed to provide advice to the project team so that the project reports are comprehensive, and any options and recommendations are well thought through.

The PCMNO invites interested MNO citizens to submit their name for consideration for appointment to the Advisory Group. Those interested in joining the Advisory Group should:

  • Have a demonstrated interest in this area of work
  • Possess a broad “systems knowledge” and perspective
  • Understand the diversity of Ontario
  • Recognize that their role on this committee involves providing their best advice for creating the ideal CYFS system for the Métis Nation of Ontario

The deadline for submissions is October 16, 2020.

Posted: October 5, 2020