(Left-right) Elder Dave Rice, MNO Moon River
Métis Council Senator Larry Duval, Justice of the
Peace Cornelia Mews, PCMNO Senator Verna
Porter-Brunelle and MNO Commissioner on Métis
Rights and Self-Government Victor Brunelle. Click
here for larger picture.
On Friday April 7, 2017, Provisional Council Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle attended a feather celebration in Parry Sound. As an elder on the Indigenous Justice Committee, Senator Porter-Brunelle was honoured to have witnessed the ceremony. Also in attendance was Regional Senior Justice of the Peace Theodore A. Hodgins and Justice of the Peace Cornelia Mews.
With the help of Richard Cloutier and staff, a celebration and smudging of the feather was performed. MNO Moon River Métis Council Senator Larry Duval and Senator Porter-Brunelle were present during celebration. Senator Duval presented Justice Mews with a sash and a copy of Voices and Traditions of Our Ancestors, a coffee table book produced by the MNO. Senator Porter also explained the meaning behind the colors of the Métis sash.
Posted: May 15, 2017