Submitted by: Susan Schank, MNO Great Lakes Métis Council
MNO Senator Roland St. Germain
providing the opening prayer at the
Owen Sound Sisters in Spirit Vigil
held on October 4.
The Metis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Great Lakes Métis Council hosted a Sisters in Spirit Vigil in Owen Sound on October 4. Roughly 120 people of all ages gathered together at the MNO office to honour the lives of the missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls across Canada. Eight other city organizations also helped sponsor the event.
Master of Ceremonies for the day was MNO staff member Jessica Rice. MNO Senator Roland St. Germain lead a prayer of remembrance for the women and reminded everyone that these women are our mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties and grandmothers.
Attendants enjoyed the sound of drumming and singing and viewed displays of Faceless Doll projects and the Blanket of Love, Hope and Healing assembled for the families of Sisters in Spirit.
Guest speaker Gladys Radek, co-founder for Tears4Justice handed out images of women and girls to the crowd while sharing their stories of circumstance and the need for a national inquiry.
The Council would like to thank everyone who helped make the event happen. Miigwech.