Sudbury_AGM(Back row: left to right) Richard Sarrazin (Captain of the Hunt for Region 5),
President Roger Giroux (Sudbury Métis Council), MNO President Gary Lipinski,
Chair Rick Meilleur (Sudbury Métis Council) and Kempton (Bucky) Gravelle
(Sudbury Métis Council).
(Front: left to right) MNO Chair France Picotte and Juliette Denis
(Women’s Representative on the Sudbury Métis Council)

Fifty Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizens attended the Sudbury Métis Council Annual General Meeting on October 4. The meeting heard from MNO President Gary Lipinski and local council President Roger Giroux and discussed Métis Harvesting Rights and related issues. Following the meeting, the Council hosted a delicious pot luck supper.