Are you a home care or long-term care user? Is your parent or grandparent? 

The Métis Nation of Ontario and ICES (formerly the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Services) would like to hear about your experiences and perceptions about home care and long-term care services in Ontario, particularly before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking to recruit 12-16 home care/ long-term care recipients and 12-32 family members and/or caregivers to participate in this study. Follow this link to learn more: 

To participate in the study:

As a recipient of home care/long-term care services you need to be: 

1) 18+
2) A Métis Nation of Ontario citizen
3) A resident of Ontario, and
4) Started using a provincially or federally-funded homecare/long-term care service both prior to the start of and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each home care/long-term care recipient can  invite 1-2 family members and/or caregivers to participate in the study with them. These individuals will need to be 18+ and a resident of Ontario. The stories shared with us during this research will help the Métis Nation of Ontario explore program options to help fill in needs we find. This is part of a research study titled ‘The experiences and perceptions of Métis Nation of Ontario citizens and their kin toward homecare and long-term care services in Ontario before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.‘ 

The study is funded by Indigenous Services Canada, led by the Métis Nation of Ontario and co-led by Métis Nation of Ontario’s Epidemiologist, Dr. Sarah Edwards If you have any questions, please email Sarah or our research team