TC Energy is offering exciting and diverse work opportunities for Métis students, including internships, summer roles, co-ops, and scholarships!

TC Energy Scholarship Program:

The Program opens in March 2021 and accepts applications until May 14, 2021. We offer three different types of scholarships:

      • Scholarships for Trades students (40 scholarships worth $2,500 each)
      • Scholarships for STEM focused students (40 scholarships worth $5,000 each)
      • Indigenous Legacy Scholarships (100 scholarships worth $5000 each). The Indigenous Legacy Scholarship is meant for students from the communities where we do business and is open to students in any post-secondary program.

Students can apply at

Students with questions about the program or application can contact Star Park at


Internship, Co-ops and Summer Student Roles:

Co-op & Internship Opportunities will be starting in May 2021.  We encourage students to apply as soon as possible as resumes are being shared with the hiring leaders as they come in.


General Summer Student Posting


Business/Commerce Opportunities


Communications/Public Relations Opportunities


Bachelor of Science Opportunities


Supply Chain Management Opportunities


Bachelor of Science (Computer Science/IT Opportunities)


Engineering Opportunities