On October 20, 2015, Minister Michael Coteau along with Minister Tracy MacCharles were pleased to announce the launch of the Creative Engagement Fund as part of It’s Never Okay – Ontario’s Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment. $2.25 million dollars in funding will be available over the next three years to artists who take on issues surrounding sexual consent, misogyny, rape culture and other topics that inform the dialogue about sexual violence and harassment.
We invite you to share this information and the attached news release with your interested members, affiliates, client network and friends.
The Creative Engagement Fund web page has more detailed information from the Ontario Arts Council, including direct contact information if you or someone you know have any questions or are interested in applying for funding.
We hope you join the discussion, either through art and advocacy or simply by participating online using the hashtags #WhoWillYouHelp and #ItsNeverOkay.