Scenes from the Thunder Bay Spring Festival (top:
letf-right) Commissioner on the MNO Commission
on Métis Rights and Self-Government Paul
Robitaille, MNO Thunder Bay Métis Council
President Jean Camirand and Spring Festival
Organizer Madeline Denhardt (bottom) Festival
participants creating beadwork and playing a
traditional Métis game. (Pictures by David Harel)
Click here for larger picture.
On March 18, 2017, over 40 Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizens participated in the first-ever Thunder Bay Spring Festival. The Festival was organized by Métis youth from the community with the generous support of the MNO Thunder Bay Métis Council. For many who came, the Festival was their first time participating in a MNO event.
Highlights of the Festival included free food, music, traditional games and a Beaded Infinity Button Workshop led by local Facilitators from the MNO Infinite Reach Student Solidarity Network. The workshop, which was part of the MNO Youth Council’s #beadworkrevolution was held to help flood the Thunder Bay community with positive expressions of Métis identity and culture.
The Métis youth of Thunder Bay would like to extend a warm thank you to all who made the Spring Festival a stunning success including the MNO Thunder Bay Métis Council, MNO citizen David Harel for his wonderful photography and to Métis youth Madeline Dennhardt for her leadership in organizing the event as well as to all of the hardworking members of the MNO public service.
Posted: April 6, 2017