Submitted by: Lucille Nelson, MNO Northern Lights Métis Council Chair
MNO Northern Lights Métis Council members and citizen with their awards. (Left to right) Sheila
Skidmore, Senator Eugene Contant, Secretary/Treasurer Sue Skidmore, President of the CDC
Simon Leonard, Chair Lucille Nelson and kneeling in front is Council President Urgel Courville.
The Town of Cochrane Community Development Corporation (CDC) recently recognized Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Northern Lights Métis Council members at its 2013 Community Spirit Awards on September 8.
Council member were recognized as Spirit Volunteers. Council President Urgel Courville was awarded a plaque for Volunteer of the Year. Senator Eugene Contant, Chair Lucille Nelson, Secretary/Treasurer Sue Skidmore and Sheila Skidmore were awarded for being a 5 Star volunteer. President Courville and and Senator Contant were also each awarded a certificate for 20 years of dedication.
The night’s entertainment was provided by the band Northern Image whose lead singer is MNO citizen Marcel Courville.