To: MNO Citizens, Community Councils, PCMNO
From: France Picotte, MNO Chair
Date: July 25, 2016
Subject: Proposed 2016 MNO AGA Special Business Resolutions

Attached, please find all of the proposed 2016 MNO AGA Special Business Resolutions received by the MNO on or prior to the deadline previously posted.

Click here to view the proposed 2016 MNO AGA Special Business Resolutions. [PDF]

These resolutions will now be forwarded to the Resolutions Committee, which will be appointed at the beginning of the 2016 MNO AGA pursuant to MNO Policy #2011-002 (Process for Conducting Ordinary and Special Resolutions at a General Assembly.)

Consistent with MNO Policy #2011-002, the Resolutions Committee will determine whether these proposed Special Business Resolutions are in compliance with the policy set by previous MNO AGAs, and can therefore be brought to the floor of the Assembly for a vote.

Due to some of the resolutions being received by fax and scans, they are difficult to read. All of the proposed Special Business Resolutions have been re-typed verbatim.

Click here to read the re-typed version of the proposed Special Business Resolutions. [PDF]

* Please note that an additional special resolution, which was received by the deadline, was missed and therefore not included in the previous PDF that was posted on the MNO website. An updated version of the PDF was re-posted on August 4, 2016.

Updated on: August 4, 2016