The Urban Portage is an MNO walking group in which communities compete to see who can log the most steps. Citizens across Ontario are participating between September 22, 2022, and March 5, 2023.
We encourage you to participate in a way that feels comfortable to you, as we recognize the mobility challenges some may face. If you choose to take part, walking can be a great way to take time for yourself and to connect with others. Additionally, it is a sustainable way of commuting manageable distances, leaving behind a green footprint.
To collect your step count: you can use your Fitbit, Pedometer, Smart Phone Apps, or the Health Section on your Smart Phone. The honour system will be applied to the collection of all step counts. Make sure to share with us where your journeys take you, and feel free to send us pictures of your travels. (See below for a community gallery)
To get involved and be connected to a Community Champion please email:
Community Leader Board- Updated: 2023-01-19
The Urban Portage Challenge Wrap Up Event
To conclude the Urban Portage Challenge there will be a virtual event to congratulate the top-performing communities. This event will occur virtually on March 17, 2023, from 11:30 AM- 12:00 PM EST. During this session, communities will be awarded prizes based on how they placed:
1st Place – $1,000.00 to host a community celebration event and an office banner
2nd Place – $750.00 to host a community celebration event
3rd Place – $500.00 to host a community celebration event
The Virtual Awards Event can be accessed via this link.
#MNOjourney Community Photographs
Don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtags #MNOsteps on social media!