January 20, 2014
Women of the Métis Nation of Ontario,
RE: Vacancy for the Women’s Secretariat of the Métis Nation of Ontario (WSMNO)
In accordance of the Women’s Secretariat of the Métis Nation of Ontario Terms of Reference Article 4.2.3 the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer is accepting nominations from Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) women that are interested in filling a vacancy as a woman representative in the Women’s Secretariat of the Métis Nation of Ontario.
In accordance of the Women’s Secretariat of the Métis Nation of Ontario Terms of Reference Article 4.1.3, the nominees must be women who have been verified as MNO citizens and a resident of Ontario for a minimum of one year.
Interested candidates need to send either a resume or letter of intent with recent address, phone number and MNO citizenship number to the attention of Hank Rowlinson, the Métis Nation of Ontario Deputy Chief Electoral Officer. All candidates will be vetted through the Registry for verification and those verified will be sent to the WSMNO for their consideration.
Please submit your interest to the Deputy Chief Electoral Officer no later than 5:00pm on Monday February 10, 2014. A member of the WSMNO will inform the successful candidate after their next meeting preceding the deadline for nominations.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Hank Rowlinson at:
Ph: 613-764-1077
Cell: 613-858-4809
Fax: 613-722-4225
Email: Hankr@Métisnation.org