What We Heard
Click here for the full report.

On May 25, 2018, the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) released “Advancing Métis Rights and Self-Government: What We Heard,” the final summary of the findings of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Commission on Métis Rights and Self-Government.

The formation of the MNO Commission on Métis Rights and Self-Government was announced on August 27, 2016, at the MNO Annual General Assembly in North Bay. Seven MNO citizens were selected as Commissioners to represent the MNO’s diverse communities and ensure a balance of age, gender, language, geography and the diversity of roles within the MNO.

The Commission was established to document, through a process of consultation and engagement with MNO citizens, their perspectives on the MNO’s governance processes; how the MNO can better reflect Métis community identity and culture within our governance; and how the MNO can move forward on issues related to harvesting and self-government.

Engagement sessions were held in all MNO communities and with the MNO Youth, Women’s and Veterans’ Councils between February and May 2017. Approximately 1400 MNO citizens participated in these engagement sessions and the views heard in these sessions have been summarized in the report. The Commissioners have made 19 recommendations based on what they heard, which will provide direction for the MNO leadership in coming years.