Submitted by: Jon Rochon, MNO Windsor Essex Métis Council President
Participants at the Louis Riel Day celebration in Windsor.
On November 16, 2014, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Windsor Essex Kent Métis Council (WEKMC), the MNO staff in the Windsor office and residents from Windsor and local Métis communities, gathered to celebrate Louis Riel Day and to honour Métis Veterans. The celebration was held at the Windsor Family Credit Union Centre.
A military honour guard and piper started the event followed by Donna Grayer, MNO WEKMC Interim Women’s Representative, who gave an opening prayer in Ojibway. Sergeant Adam Girard C.D. who served two tours in Afghanistan was honoured at the celebration with the Louis Riel Medal and Certificate as well as the Batoche Medal.
After the ceremony, participants indulged in a lunch and took part in a community meeting. Participants also had the opportunity to make blankets for Windsor’s local women’s homeless shelter to remember the tragedies and violence against not only Aboriginal women, but all women.
The lunch prayer and the closing prayers were performed by Métis Youth Sienna Rochon and MNO WEKMC Interim Chair, Wilfred Rochon, who is a World War II Veteran.
Many thanks go out to the MNO Windsor office, notably October Fostey, Jannatul Mawa and Audrey Bayliss, who helped make this event possible.