Your Vote Counts!


Click here to see the Parties’ focus on Indigenous issues.

Prime Minister Trudeau has started the 2021 election campaign by requesting that the current legislative session be dissolved by the Governor General. The 43rd Parliament has come to an end and a writ of election has been issued by the chief electoral officer, officially starting the election campaign for the 44th federal election. Candidates are being nominated, election workers are being hired, and polling stations set-up! The official electoral campaign will last for 36 days, with the election taking place September 20, 2021.

The MNO has an Intergovernmental Relations (IGR) Branch that will be asking the four main federal political parties a series of questions regarding important Métis issues. Once received, the responses to these questions will be made available to you on the MNO website. We will also circulate the platforms of the parties that we hope will assist you when you exercise your vote on Election Day.

MNO citizens and leadership at every level play an important role during this exciting time! During the campaign, you may be attending town halls or other events where you have the opportunity to engage with federal electoral candidates. At these events, on social media, or through other avenues, you will have the opportunity to highlight the history and voice of the historic rights bearing Métis communities within Ontario and raise awareness of the contemporary realities of our families and issues of importance to the MNO, its communities and citizens.

Use your MNO Citizenship Card at the polls!

Sample MNO Citizenship Card
A sample Métis Nation of Ontario Citizenship Card

Your vote counts! We encourage all of our citizens to participate in this year’s federal election to ensure that their voices are heard. Please visit the Elections Canada website to learn of the various ways to vote, including advance polling and voting by mail. We also remind MNO citizens that they may use their MNO Citizenship cards as form of recognized identification at the polls.

Thank you and marsi.

Platforms of the major parties: