Submitted by Kirk Fournier, MNO Employment Developer

youth-forumMNO Job Developer Kirk Fournier (centre) presents
a Métis Education Kit to local Member of Parliament
Karol Hughes (left) and Kapuskasing Mayor Al
Spacek (right) during the Growing Together:
Aboriginal Youth Forum.
On July 25 and 26, 2013, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) participated in the first ever Growing Together: Aboriginal Youth Forum in Kapuskasing. The event showcased opportunities for success available to Aboriginal youth and themes included entrepreneurship, Aboriginal governance, education, training, and employment.

MNO Region 3 Employment Developer, Kirk Fournier delivered Metis 101 training to an enthusiastic audience and informed participants about MNO programming at a MNO display booth. He also had the opportunity to present Kapuskasing Mayor Al Spacek and local Member of Parliament Carol Hughes with a Métis Education Kit.

Growing Together was supported by the City of Kapuskasing, the Federal and Provincial Governments, as well as corporate sponsors.