ELCC Questions and Complaints Contact Info

Have questions or complaints about ELCC Programming? For ELCC Family Supports general program questions (ie. Subsidy, Extra Curricular, Stipend, RECE Supports) or if you have general questions or comments regarding the ELCC Family Support programs please contact us at ELCCsupport@metisnation.org. If you know who your ELCC program coordinator is, please email them directly. All licensed child care centers approved through the MNO Subsidy program must submit their monthly invoices to the ELCC Family Support General Email.

Family Support Program Questions 

If you have Family Support Program (FSP) questions regarding a specific client please reach out to the ELCC Family Support Coordinator in your MNO Region. If you do not know who you regional coordinator is please contact us at ELCCsupport@metisnation.org

FSP Complaints, Declined Applications, and Appeals

If you have a complaint, your application has been declined, or you would like to appeal a decision made by the Family Support Program please reach out to Emma Langdon, Supervisor of ELCC Family Supports by email at EmmaL@metisnation.org. You should receive a response within 4 – 6 business days on the next steps.

If a resolution cannot be found at this stage the file is then escalated to the Manager of ELCC Programs and Services, Amanda Pont-Shanks. If a resolution can still not be found then a formal letter from our Director, Bryanna Scott-Kay, will be sent by Emma Langdon on Bryanna’s behalf. All citizens are required to follow the chain of command as outlined. Any citizen who bypasses a step will be redirected to the correct contact.

Please note that contacting the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario or the PCMNO directly will not result in your complaint or appeal being dealt with any faster. Any emails sent to the President or the PCMNO regarding ELCC programming will be forwarded to Emma Langdon to begin the appeal process. All appeal decisions that go up to the Director of Education and Training are final. 

Current Family Support Program Contacts by Region 

Region 1:

Kelly Dube
Email: KellyD@metisnation.org
Phone: 289-260-0646

Arlene Belanger
Email: ArleneB@metisnation.org
Phone: 905-229-9312

Region 2 & 3: 

Lynn Belair
Email: LynnB@metisnation.org
Phone: 807-324-0008 

Region 4:

Courtney Vessair
Email: CourtneyVe@metisnation.org
Phone: 705- 471-7202

Hannah Parkin
Email: HannahP@metisnation.org
Phone: 613-295-0289

Region 5:

Courtney Vessair
Email: CourtneyVe@metisnation.org
Phone: 705- 471-7202

Region 6 

Arlene Belanger
Email: ArleneB@metisnation.org
Phone: 905-229-9312

Region 7:

Natasha Kerr
Email: NatashaK@metisnation.org
Phone: 807-324-0028

Julie Gilchrist
Email: JulieG@metisnation.org
Phone: 416- 659-1928

Region 8

Hannah Parkin
Email: HannahP@metisnation.org
Phone: 613-295-0289

Region 9:

Catherine Corbett
Email: CatherineC@metisnation.org
Phone: 289-541-5900

Team Lead:

Tamara Robbins
Email: TamaraR@metisnation.org
Phone: 905-414-3133

Child Care Subsidy Agreement Specialist:

Jennifer Peekhaus
Email: JenniferPe@metisnation.org


Emma Langdon
Email: EmmaL@metisnation.org
Phone: 807-627-7349

ELCC Special Projects Questions

Have questions or comments about ELCC’s special projects (SP) or events programming? For general questions or comments about ELCC’s special projects and event programming (ie. ELCC Kits, the ELCC Conference, Camps, ELCC Socials, ELCC Christmas programming) please contact us at ELCCevents@metisnation.orgFor special projects programming questions regarding a specific program or event please review the contact information provided on the program application and MNO account social media posts about the program or event. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please reach out to us at ELCCevents@metisnation.org. For questions or comments about ELCC Camps please contact ELCCevents@metisnation.org. and we will redirect you to the correct contact.

SP Complaints, Declined Applications, and Appeals

If you have a complaint, your application has been declined, or you would like to appeal a decision made by the ELCC Special Projects and Events Team please reach out to Leanna Neault, Interim Supervisor of ELCC Special Projects at LeannaN@metisnation.org. You should receive a response within 4 – 6 business days on the next steps.

If a resolution cannot be found at this stage the file is then escalated to the Manager of ELCC Programs and Services, Amanda Pont-Shanks. If a resolution can still not be found then a formal letter from our Director, Bryanna Scott-Kay, will be sent by Leanna Neault on Bryanna’s behalf. All citizens are required to follow the chain of command as outlined. Any citizen who bypasses a step will be redirected to the correct contact.

Please note that contacting the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario or the PCMNO directly will not result in your complaint or appeal being dealt with any faster. Any emails sent to the President or the PCMNO regarding ELCC programming will be forwarded to Leanna Neault to begin the appeal process. All appeal decisions that go up to the Director of Education and Training are final. 

Early Learning Developmental Resource Consultant Program 

Have questions or inquiries about the Early Learning Developmental Resource Consultant Program? For general questions or inquiries about the ELCC DRC Program, please contact DRC@metisnation.org. For client specific questions, please reach out to your ELCC Developmental Resource Consultant (ELCC DRC) directly. We cannot disclose any client information to any other person or agency without signed client consent. If you do not know who your ELCC DRC is please email DRC@metisnation.org and we will connect you.

ELCC DRC Complaints, Declined Applications, and Appeals

If you have a complaint, your application has been declined, or you would like to appeal a decision made by the Early Learning Developmental Resource Consultant Team please reach out to Shannon Merriman, Supervisor of ELCC DRC team at ShannonM@metisnation.orgYou should receive a response within 4 – 6 business days on the next steps.

If a resolution cannot be found at this stage the file is then escalated to the Manager of ELCC Programs and Services, Amanda Pont-Shanks. If a resolution can still not be found then a formal letter from our Director, Bryanna Scott-Kay, will be sent by Shannon Merriman on Bryanna’s behalf. All citizens are required to follow the chain of command as outlined. Any citizen who bypasses a step will be redirected to the correct contact.

Please note that contacting the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario or the PCMNO directly will not result in your complaint or appeal being dealt with any faster. Any emails sent to the President or the PCMNO regarding ELCC programming will be forwarded to Shannon Merriman to begin the appeal process. All appeal decisions that go up to the Director of Education and Training are final. 

Denied Application Complaints Due to Incomplete Registry Files

Have a complaint or question about an application being denied due to an incomplete registry file or citizenship file issue? The Direct Benefit Team can help you find out why. You can reach them by email at DirectBenefits@metisnation.org. ELCC Staff are required to ensure that all citizens who access their programs have a complete MNO Registry File. Any file that comes back as incomplete will result in an automatic decline for many ELCC programs such as the Extra-Curricular Support Program and the Early Childhood Educator Support Program. For the Child Care Subsidy and Stipend programs if a new application is submitted and applicant has an incomplete registry file the application will be automatically declined. If an applicant as an existing agreement in place their file will be reviewed on the anniversary of their signing their Subsidy or Stipend agreement.

If their file is still incomplete at that time, they will be given 60 days notice that their supports will end. Please note, ELCC staff cannot speak to specific citizen files within the MNO Registry as we do not have access to that information. DO NOT contact the ELCC Team with regards to incomplete citizenship files. All questions of this nature will be redirected to the Direct Benefits Team. We cannot tell you why your file is incomplete only MNO Registry Staff can do that. A formal letter from Amanda Pont- Shanks is sent to every citizen once ELCC has received notification that an applicant’s registry file incomplete. This letter will highlight the policy, what items have been declined, and who to contact if you have questions. 

Questions Regarding Programs and Services for Youth 13 – 18

As much as we would like to provide programming and services to all Métis children and youth 18 years of age and younger at this time the ELCC Branch can only support Metis children ages 0 – 12. This is in accordance with our funding terms and conditions. ELCC does not have any control over programs or supports for Metis youth 13 – 18. We cannot answer questions regarding programming for children and youth in this age range. Any questions that come to ELCC about 13 – 18-year-old youth or programming are automatically redirected to the OneMNO Team. For questions about what programs and services are available for Métis children and youth ages 13 – 18 please contact the OneMNO Team by email at ContactUs@metisnation.org or by phone at 1-800-263-4889 Ext. 7. If you would like the MNO to expand its programming to be able to offer more programs and services to Métis children and youth ages 13 – 18 please contact your regional PCMNO Council using the contact information on this page

ELCC Partnerships and Funding Questions 

Have questions or inquiries about ELCC partnerships, infrastructure, or funding? For general inquires regarding partnerships, complaints, and council camp funding, please reach out to ELCCpartnerships@metisnation.org. If a question cannot be answered, it will then be escalated to the Manager of Early Learning and Child Care Partnerships and Infrastructure, Louise Humphreys. If a resolution cannot be found at this stage the file is then escalated to the Director of Education and Training, Bryanna Scott-Kay. If you have an infrastructure specific question, please reach out to Louise Humphreys by email at LouiseH@metisnation.org


Edited: October 24, 2023