UPDATE – As of July 8, 2022 the Program has reached capacity and the portal is now closed for new applications. 

We were able to look at our projection for the year for families who have already applied to the extra-curricular program, and we were able to determine that we are at our funding max allocation for extra-curricular.  We have committed our budget’s worth for the year; thus, we cannot support any children who did not submit an application between April-June 2022.  Applications were not completed on a family basis, but by child.  Therefore if a sibling did not submit an application they are NOT included in our projections as we based this forecast on the number and ages of the children who had applied. 

Information we shared in late March (on the portal, MNO website, and via email), stated the program would be open on a first-come, first-served basis and until we reached our capacity. We reached our capacity earlier than anticipated.  Some families applied with smaller purchases (such as a bike helmet or craft materials) to ensure they would be part of this year’s funding.

We will monitor the situation closely, and if we do not reach our maximum amount, we may open up the program to new applicants; we will know more information around February 2023.  We still have many programs available to support Metis families including our socials, camps, and other programs. 

We are unable to respond to emails asking about exceptions or the closure of the program.

Extra-Curricular Reimbursement Program
The MNO supports Métis families with young children through the Extra-Curricular Reimbursement Program by having their child or children’s extra-curricular fees and/or extra-curricular equipment covered by the MNO.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • March Break Camps
  • Summer Camps
  • Early Learning science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) Programs
  • Early Learning Arts (music, visual arts, dance, drama) and Language courses
  • Sports and Skills development
  • Community Programs including Scouting and Girl Guides
  • Virtual/Online programs

Families can apply to have their child(ren)’s extra-curricular fees reimbursed by the MNO. The Extra-Curricular Reimbursement Program will not pay for extra-curricular fees in advance. Parents must pay all fees upfront and provide proof of purchase for reimbursement from the MNO. 

The 2024-25 Extra-Curricular Program guide is now available here

Qualification Criteria

  • One parent or child must be a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario
  • The child or children must be between the ages of 0 and 12
  • The family must reside in Ontario
  • The family must be able to provide proof of purchase of extra-curricular fees and/or extra-curricular equipment to partake in an extra-curricular activity (receipts are required)

Families who do not complete a pre-application in Spring 2024 must apply to the waitlist.

Families who were accepted into the extra-curricular program can submit receipts at the following link. 

CONTACT: For additional information or if you need help with the reimbursement process please contact ELCC Program Support by email at ELCCsupport@metisnation.org with any questions or concerns.