Learning Resources Documents

This section features Language Resources created with the intention of learning and developing your knowledge of the Michif-Fransè language. 

The resources featured are trilingual including the following languages; Michif, French, and English.

Make sure to read the Michif workbook, where you will find the phonetics that will assist in learning the basics. The Trilingual Word Lists are themed-based to be used in a variety of learning settings. Below you can also find storybooks and several activities from beginner to advanced levels.

*Please note: throughout this Learning Resources Documents section the term Michif is used and represents Michif-Fransè in Ontario.*

*Links have been underlined for online accessibility purposes.*

The Statement of Prime Purpose is a document that expresses the values and principles of the Métis Nation of Ontario. It embodies the vision that is central to all aspects of who we are, from the genesis of its policies to its democratic processes and institutions.

The Métis Nation of Ontario Statement of Prime Purpose sets out why it was formed, who it represents, and what it wants to achieve.

The MNO Statement of Prime Purpose (SoPP) is available in English, Français and Michif.

This language workbook provides a basic introduction to Michif-Fransè, a Métis language spoken in Ontario.


This trilingual storybook written by Ontario Michif speakers offers an insight in the Métis way of life. The story can be read with family members or in school setting with various activities.

Cette histoire trilingue écrite par le groupe d’orateur du Michif de l’Ontario offre un aperçu du mode de vie des Métis. Histoire à lire en famille ou à l’école avec activités d’accompagnements.

COPA NATIONAL – Caring is the Universal Language Storybook / La compassion le language universel

Caring is the Universal Language is a compilation of three beautifully told and illustrated storybooks for young children about bullying prevention, justice, and belonging. The stories include gentle messages to help nurture listening, kindness, caring, compassion, and courage. The stories are available in English, French, Ontario Michif, and six other Indigenous languages and are available in narrated video format, and as PDF documents.

Les contes illustrés pour jeunes enfants mettent en vedette les familles Capsule. Ils ont été traduits dans les sept langues autochtones suivantes: cri, inuktitut, michif, mohawk, oji-cri, ojibwé et oneida. C’est à lire en famille ou dans la salle de classe, les contes véhiculent des messages favorisant l’écoute, la gentilesse, la bienveillance, la compassion et le courage.

The following are the titles of the 3 trilingual stories:

  • Toof and That Blanket / La couverture étoilée
  • Specs and the Best Part / Le moment rêvé de la fête!
  • Bouncy and the Any Kind at All Fish / La sortie au lac

Caring is the Universal Language Storybook / La compassion le language universel

Lists of words developed by themes with other accompanying activities.

Des listes de mots ont été élaborées par thèmes avec d’autres activités d’accompagnements.

The game is comprised of a deck of playing cards includes 4 sets of 13 different images. The images are of objects or symbols that represent Métis history, culture, and way of life. The cards feature the Michif, French and English word identifying the object. Cards can be used to play a memory-matching game, or a Go-Fish style game, etc…

Le jeu contient 4 ensembles de 13 différentes cartes. Les images représentent des objets ou symboles de l’histoire, la culture et le mode de vie des Métis. Les cartes peuvent être utilisées pour jouer un jeu de mémoire ou autres jeux.