The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is pleased to offer the Métis Apprenticeship Program. The goal of the Program is to fund appropriate training opportunities from various institutions and organizations for Métis apprentices and potential Métis apprentices. This includes training for registered apprentices with the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU) or exploration training for individuals interested in gaining knowledge about skilled trades through different sectors.

To eligible for this Program you must be a Métis individual who is unemployed, under-employed, or whose employment is at risk due to the labour market changes, insufficient employment skills, or certification. Funding from the Program can be utilized for pre-apprenticeship training.

Training costs covered by this Program include:

  • In class school fees
  • Textbooks and related supplies
  • Transportation expenses
  • Child care expenses
  • Living away from home expenses
  • Required equipment costs
  • Parking fees and costs
  • MTCU Apprenticeship Registration Fees

As part of the Program living away from home allowances and basic and supplementary child care allowances will be provided to qualified applicants.

To Apply: Interested applicants should contact their Regional MNO Employment and Training office in order to complete an application. To find your Regional MNO Employment and Training Office Click Here