Since 2007, the MNO has worked with its citizens and regional rights bearing Métis communities to develop a community driven consultation framework that ensures the Crown fulfills its duty to conduct meaningful consultation with Métis people in the province. That work, which continues to evolve, is guided in part by input and suggestions from Métis citizens and communities captured during province wide consultations in 2007 and 2008. The report on these consultations, Towards a Consultation Framework for Ontario Métis, 2007/2008 Community Consultations: What We Heard Report, has provided clear direction to the MNO’s leadership on how to move forward. One of several recommendations in the Final Report was the creation of a branch within the MNO to support Regional Consultation Committees by providing the technical and scientific expertise needed for meaningful Métis consultation and accommodation.
Through this Branch, the MNO has grown its capacity in policy areas related to land and resources, energy, mining, and forestry with the goal of increasing Métis participation in these sectors by fostering economic development and resource benefits sharing. Another recommendation was that this policy work be supported by research aimed at developing a province wide Métis Traditional Land Use or Métis Way of Life Framework (WOLF) to collect Métis traditional knowledge and help gain a better understanding of Métis interests, rights, harvesting patterns, and land use. The recommendations were adopted at the 2008 MNO Annual General Assembly (AGA) / Special Presidents Meeting. As well, an Interim Statement of Principles and Framework for Métis Consultation and Accommodation was adopted. Together these documents give the mandate for and guide the MNO’s work in this sector. Through this Branch staff throughout the province provide hands on capacity and support at the community level on lands, resources, and consultation issues.
To engage with the Métis Nation of Ontario’s (MNO) Regional Consultation Protocols, governments and proponents are asked to send consultation information, requests, or notices electronically using the following contact information. All consultation notices must be sent electronically to All notices about mining plans and permits must be sent electronically to
Please Note – COVID-19:
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is adjusting standard work practices due to the COVID-19 outbreak and to better enable staff to work remotely. Please note that the MNO’s Lands, Resources and Consultations (LRC) Branch will no longer review hard copy consultation notices mailed to MNO offices. The LRC Branch will review all electronic notices and process them in accordance with our standard operating procedures.